And beginning a loop To have fallen in love with a wondrous world on a magic carpet
The unprepared heart splitz bleeding and broken
Crushed as if but only another essentials worthless sole
Transcending dual worlds threatens brink & disaster
Networked illusions past century’s monstrosity to bare religion belief fear
All floors disappear and the stool tumbles a ground, doors leave ears a ringing
Hospitals doors whistle whoosh before broken woken with creaky old squeaks & bumble bee's wings chatter
The snakes prepare to kill while the lizards brain shakes shivers to the escape
A narrowest crack pre-laid on a poisoned out track and into the deep darker of spirits shadow
Another door slams shut, vibration waves circumnavigate the earth forever
Like the mutating virus flowing with blood, might brings a healthier super to bare quadrupling despair and finally enlightened
Why am I here even yesteryears
Decipher the news the telly is at it, break the code run with it and at it
Watch the reels obvious answers transparently hidden under a technicolored dreamcoat
Smothered and fortified by running unawares & quantum gaming purposely mythic & theoretic with a
Devils logic magic severe and sincere
Keep the rhythm find wavering eyes, mouths of remote and everywhere a magnitude of vomit
Squeezing the stomachs as the weightiest gravity quickly lightens, frequency a pushes and pulls
Blood halts gestapo discovered junctions and robo's crusifixion
At the end of the distant tunnel does the light have track or was there ever, loop