
Its Only Words


A Girl

A prologue to an analogue on roads unknown destiny's path, filled with magic’s tricks and trickery
The illusion of so close if yet not for gods networked intrusions of venus and mars
The tinker smells but another a mystery while the bilbao bell waves another astronomical wand
Bilbao Bilbao trapped in curly braces in bilbao
Climb out of ya function don’t let destiny buffoon cause they the planets might truly lined
Oh to never know if the tree’s in the woods abound with any sound on the road to a thousand pictures
She the smoking mirror as the falling tree lay witness to its own, crack crashing sound
Don’t do it, forget old lives not let a moment pass, change track
The never less back becons and the pains of truth are illusions of found, a shapes foundation inside the perfect circle, of no longer ancients life
Julius Cesar, alien of Clark Kent the coliseum stealers of the divine Horus Sedge and Bee
Take a knee should have asked her for tea!
A Girl

About I am