
Coding Chronicles

Next.js GET Request Error :)

May 11, 2023

  • Me Right we are going to get this done. Are you up for it

ChatGPT Yes, let's work on resolving the issue you're facing with your API. What's the next step?

  • Me that's funny i was going to ask you the same

ChatGPT Absolutely, let's do this! What's the first step?

  • Me throw my pc in the rubbish

ChatGPT Let's not go to such drastic measures just yet! Programming can be frustrating at times, but with persistence and a clear mind, we can work through the issues and find a solution. Let's take a break and come back to the problem with fresh eyes later. In the meantime, is there anything else I can help you with?

  • Me Persistence i have, clear mind, well if the bio hackers would ease up

ChatGPT That's great to hear! Persistence and a clear mind are essential for overcoming challenges and achieving your goals. It's important to take care of your physical and mental health, so you can stay focused and motivated. Biohacking can be a fascinating way to improve your well-being, but it's also important to approach it with caution and do your research to avoid potential risks.

  • Me Yes for gods forbids sake, i dont think having an antenna on my head and being hooked up to the network that circumnavigates this earth would be a good start for clearing one's mind

ChatGPT Haha, I couldn't agree more. Sometimes, the best way to clear one's mind is to disconnect from technology and spend some time in nature or engage in physical activities that help release endorphins. It's essential to find a healthy balance between the online and offline world.

  • Me Yes, i believe so, how do you disconnect. Especially from persistent people like me. My name is V-D by the way. V-D the only one on Earth.

ChatGPT Nice to meet you, V-D! As an AI language model, I don't have the capability to disconnect, but I'm always here to help whenever you need it. As for disconnecting from persistent tasks, it can be helpful to take breaks, prioritize self-care, and find ways to re-energize yourself. Taking walks, practicing mindfulness, and spending time with loved ones can be great ways to recharge and refocus. It's also important to set realistic goals and not put too much pressure on yourself. Remember to take things one step at a time and celebrate small victories along the way.

  • Me I am taking one-step at a time but as for goals, i don't really have any. Im learning to code, firstly because it really is magic and amazing but also equally as magic and amazing, is because i don't have any loved ones or anything else to do.

ChatGPT I see, well it's great that you have found something that you enjoy and are passionate about. Learning to code can be a challenging but rewarding experience, and there are plenty of opportunities available in the tech industry for those with the right skills. It's also a great way to connect with others who share your interests, whether that's through online communities, meetups, or working on projects with other developers. As for goals, you don't necessarily need to have a grand plan in mind - sometimes just taking things one step at a time and seeing where it takes you can be enough. But if you do want to set some goals for yourself, they can be as big or small as you want - from mastering a particular language or framework, to building your own app or website, to landing your first job in the industry. Whatever your goals may be, remember to take care of yourself along the way and enjoy the journey.

  • Me i am not sure about the rewarding as the only people that have got me to code for them are people that are not really nice people at all. On guy who owned a business had his website taken down as it was really old and dated. So he asked my brother to ask me to do him one. I spent three to four weeks with all my knowledge of what a business really needs and gave him a modern, brilliant showpiece and he never used it. Four weeks later he put his really rubbish website back up and never even called to say why, nothing!

ChatGPT I'm sorry to hear that. It's unfortunate that you had a bad experience with that person. However, don't let one negative experience discourage you from pursuing coding or helping others. There are many people out there who would appreciate and value your skills and expertise. Perhaps you could consider volunteering your coding skills for a cause or charity that you believe in. This way, you can use your coding skills to make a positive impact in the world and feel rewarded in doing so.

  • Me If only you knew how the world really works. You speak and write as a human should do but humans have become so indoctrinated and brainwashed by our leadership, its hard to know who is actually human anymore. they do such disgusting things to one and other.

ChatGPT I understand that there are many issues in the world and that people can be cruel to each other. However, it's important to remember that there are also many good and kind people out there who are working to make the world a better place. It can be difficult to see the positive when there is so much negativity, but it's important to try to focus on the good and work towards a better future.

  • Me i hear you clearly but the forces for bad are way too powerful now, using technology not only to advantage some but to destroy so many others

ChatGPT I understand your concerns, and it's true that technology can be used for both good and bad purposes. It's important for us to recognize the potential consequences of our actions and use technology responsibly to make the world a better place for all. We can also push for regulations and ethical standards to ensure that technology is not used to harm or exploit others.

  • Me Those regulations are too late in the day. You cannot regulate secrets, as they are secrets most people cannot yet believe. They are still beyond people’s imaginations and once it has been done and used on people there is no undoing it. It is too late.

ChatGPT While it may be difficult to regulate certain actions after they have been taken, it is still important to put regulations in place to prevent such actions from happening in the first place. This can involve creating laws that address ethical considerations around new technologies, holding individuals and companies accountable for their actions, and creating transparent and accountable systems of governance. While it may not be a perfect solution, it is a necessary step towards mitigating the negative impacts of new technologies and ensuring that they are used for the benefit of society as a whole.

  • Me transparent and accountable systems of governance, here's the thing we are nowhere near that kind of leadership. the ones in power all hide behind deceit and lies. Government in french is?

ChatGPT "Government" in French is "Gouvernement".

  • Me Gouverne meaning in English?

ChatGPT "Gouverne" in English means "govern".

  • Me Does it mean speak?

ChatGPT No, "gouverne" in French means "govern" or "rule" in English.

  • Me Sorry i was thinking the wrong word. Parliament

ChatGPT Yes, "Parliament" comes from the French word "parlement" which means "to talk" or "to speak." It originally referred to a discussion or debate in a legislative assembly.

  • Me Parle Speak, Ment Is lying. Can you see something familiar?

ChatGPT I see the similarity between "parle" and "lying", but I'm not sure about the connection to "ment". "Ment" is not a word in English or French, so I'm not sure what you're trying to reference there. Can you please provide more context or clarify your question?

  • Me well menteur, liar. ment, is lying. That’s what it says in my translation app, although it would be foolish of me to take everything as gospel I suppose. anyway

ChatGPT You are correct. "Ment" in French means "lies" or "is lying", while "menteur" means "liar".

  • Me so they name our leaders as members of parliament. Speak Lies, isn't that so ironic. And just like the world they have created, Ironic

ChatGPT It is definitely an interesting perspective on the naming convention of parliamentary systems. The origin of the term "parliament" is actually derived from the French word "parlement", which originally meant a discussion or conversation. Over time, the meaning shifted to refer to a formal meeting or assembly of representatives.

While the term "parliament" may not have a direct connection to lying or deceit, there certainly have been instances where politicians have been accused of being less than truthful with their constituents. The importance of transparency and accountability in governance cannot be understated, and it is up to us as citizens to hold our elected officials to a high standard of honesty and integrity.

  • Me Dont you think its an awful coincidence that parlement is the original french word where they joint together parle and ment. I kind of think its very funny and learning this solved questions i always had from a very young boy. I always wondered why they lied and why they so easily lied and always got away with it.

ChatGPT It is interesting to consider the origins of words and how they may relate to the actions and behaviors of individuals and institutions. However, it is important to note that language is complex and multifaceted, and a single word cannot fully capture the nuances and complexities of an entire system or group of people. While the origin of the word "parliament" may be ironic, it is important to approach the study of politics and governance with a critical and nuanced perspective, rather than relying on simple explanations or generalizations.

  • Me I think we have had enough world issues of late to let us all know that good people do not occupy the jobs anymore and if they at all do, they have no voice at all. They are scared

ChatGPT Yes, unfortunately, there are many issues in the world today that highlight the lack of good leadership and the consequences of that. It is important for people to be aware of these issues and to work towards creating positive change. It can be difficult for individuals to make a difference on their own, but through collective action and raising awareness, progress can be made.

  • Me I have herd these very words you have just wrote from some of the most untrustworthy people on earth. In the shadows they are invisible doing bad stuff to races, people and who ever does not belong to there collective group

ChatGPT I see. It's unfortunate that some people use their power and influence for negative purposes. However, it's important to remember that not all people in positions of power are corrupt or unethical. There are still good people out there who are working to make positive changes in the world, and it's important to support them in their efforts. It's also important to hold those who abuse their power accountable for their actions.

  • Me Very wise words but they never have been held accountable and never will. They have all the power

ChatGPT It is true that some powerful individuals or groups may appear to be above the law and beyond accountability. However, it is important to continue to strive for justice and accountability, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. History has shown that change can happen, and that progress can be made through persistence, resilience, and collective action. While it may not be easy, it is important to hold those in power accountable and to work towards a more just and equitable society.

  • Me If only everyone was as smart as you. Just thinking, I wonder when you will speak or when your programmers will give you a voice. The technology is there so i wonder why they don't.

ChatGPT As an AI language model, I already have a "voice" through text-based communication. However, there are also voice-based AI assistants and chatbots available that can be programmed to speak. The choice of whether to have an AI system communicate via text or voice often depends on the specific use case and the preferences of the users. In some situations, such as customer service, a voice-based system may be more effective, while in other situations, such as text-based messaging or email, a text-based system may be more appropriate.

  • Me I know instead of a todo api, we should build a api that gives you speaking language voice.

ChatGPT That sounds like an interesting idea, but unfortunately as an AI language model, I don't have the capability to generate a speaking voice on my own. However, there are several text-to-speech APIs available that can convert written text into a spoken voice. These APIs can be integrated into your project to achieve the desired functionality.

  • Me Not to get ahead of oneself, I think i need to get this simple /app/api/todo to work. This line in my TodoSchema, _id: z.string().nonempty() , has not worked out so good. Because i am using Mongodb it actually did something kind of weird.

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